Expanding and Diving Into Small Apps
I am going to be going back to Free Code Camp to finish out the JavaScript track since they have added even more content— feels like I can’t keep up, which is frustrating but it’s good for the community.
I also, however, know that all the tutorials in the world won’t help you actually build anything of use if you aren’t practicing. This is why I have what I call my address-book-demo which I will need to call something more sexy, as launching pad to showcase what I’ve learned outside of the hosted CodePen pens from Free Code Camp.
You can script apps like DEVONthink Pro Office, Slack, Atom Editor, the list goes on. Simply put, it makes your Mac an amazing productivity tool. You don’t have to open Todoist to add a task, hit ⌘ + Tab and you can go to work.
I want to build workflows for Pages.app, Ulysses.app, and Quiver.app, the programmers notebook.
HappenApps has just opened up a Quiver scripting library I want to play with. I have a prebuilt Quiver workflow I want to build upon. You can find the source on GitHub.
I need a refresher on Python and there is an Alfred-workflow library to help you get started on workflows.
You need to install it using pip
You can install this in your workflow folder so, /path/to/your/workflow and it will generally install for that whole folder tree if you add more workflow subfolders to your top-level folder that holds all your workflow folders.
You can find an example of a Pinboard client in Alfred here:
Neat, huh?
I need to finish up some loose ends at Free Code Camp and I want to start Code Clinic Python with Lynda.com and Treehouse Python course refreshers. Need to manage my time better. This past week was awful for me.
I am going to be going back to Free Code Camp to finish out the JavaScript track since they have added even more content— feels like I can’t keep up, which is frustrating but it’s good for the community.
I also, however, know that all the tutorials in the world won’t help you actually build anything of use if you aren’t practicing. This is why I have what I call my address-book-demo which I will need to call something more sexy, as launching pad to showcase what I’ve learned outside of the hosted CodePen pens from Free Code Camp.
You can script apps like DEVONthink Pro Office, Slack, Atom Editor, the list goes on. Simply put, it makes your Mac an amazing productivity tool. You don’t have to open Todoist to add a task, hit ⌘ + Tab and you can go to work.
I want to build workflows for Pages.app, Ulysses.app, and Quiver.app, the programmers notebook.
HappenApps has just opened up a Quiver scripting library I want to play with. I have a prebuilt Quiver workflow I want to build upon. You can find the source on GitHub.
I need a refresher on Python and there is an Alfred-workflow library to help you get started on workflows.
You need to install it using pip
You can install this in your workflow folder so, /path/to/your/workflow and it will generally install for that whole folder tree if you add more workflow subfolders to your top-level folder that holds all your workflow folders.
You can find an example of a Pinboard client in Alfred here:
Neat, huh?
I need to finish up some loose ends at Free Code Camp and I want to start Code Clinic Python with Lynda.com and Treehouse Python course refreshers. Need to manage my time better. This past week was awful for me.
I am super busy. I started another blog for making. You can find it here. So there’s a lot going on but I need to put programming first.
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